Bullish market trends refer to periods in which prices of assets are generally rising, driven by positive investor sentiment and strong demand. Indicators of a bullish market trend can include:

1. **Rising Prices**: A consistent increase in the prices of stocks, commodities, or other assets.

2. **Higher Highs and Higher Lows**: Price charts showing peaks and troughs that are progressively higher.

3. **Strong Economic Indicators**: Positive economic data such as low unemployment, GDP growth, and increased consumer spending.

4. **High Trading Volumes**: Increased buying activity and high volumes of trades, indicating strong investor confidence.

5. **Positive Earnings Reports**: Companies reporting strong earnings and revenue growth, leading to increased investor confidence.

6. **Optimistic Market Sentiment**: General market optimism and positive news influencing investor behavior.

7. **Low Interest Rates**: Lower borrowing costs can stimulate investment and spending, contributing to a bullish environment.