BONK's current status and price 🤨predictions for the coming months:

1️⃣ Current Status: BONK price is at $0.000026, showing a bullish trend despite cautious investor sentiment (Fear-Greed Index at 27). It has a market cap of $1.8 billion with 68.65 trillion BONK tokens in circulation.

2️⃣ Recent Performance: Over 24 hours, BONK surged by 21.2%, but only rose 0.9% in the past week, indicating stability amid market shifts.

3️⃣ Technical Analysis: BONK is trading slightly above $0.000025, aiming for targets at $0.000036 and $0.000043 if it breaks a descending triangle pattern.

4️⃣ July 2024 Prediction: Expect BONK to trade between $0.00003 and $0.000035, supported by stable indicators like the RSI and Bollinger Bands.

5️⃣ Future Outlook: BONK looks optimistic with active community support, likely to maintain upward momentum in the short term.

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#Bonk #predictions