While decentralized finance (DeFi) concepts in political fundraising are still in their early stages, there have been a few notable examples and experiments in this area. However, it's important to note that these examples are limited and not yet widespread. Here are some instances where DeFi or blockchain technology has been used in political fundraising:

  1. Andrew Yang's 2020 U.S. Presidential Campaign:
    Andrew Yang, a former U.S. presidential candidate, accepted cryptocurrency donations during his 2020 campaign. While not strictly DeFi, this was an early example of integrating blockchain technology into political fundraising.

  2. BitPAC and the "Politicoin":
    In 2019, BitPAC, a U.S.-based political action committee, announced plans to launch a cryptocurrency called "Politicoin". The idea was to use this token to support political candidates and causes. However, information on its actual implementation and success is limited.

  3. The Democratic National Committee's NFT Experiment:
    In 2022, the Democratic National Committee in the United States launched a pilot program to sell NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) as a form of political fundraising. While not DeFi in the strictest sense, this demonstrates the exploration of blockchain-based fundraising in politics.

  4. Blockchain Voting Experiments:
    While not directly related to fundraising, there have been experiments with blockchain-based voting systems in various countries, which could potentially be extended to fundraising applications in the future.

  5. CryptoPAC:
    In the United States, there's a political action committee called CryptoPAC that focuses on cryptocurrency policy and accepts donations in various cryptocurrencies.

It's worth noting that most of these examples come from the United States, where the regulatory environment for cryptocurrency in politics is more developed compared to many other countries. In many other nations, the use of DeFi and cryptocurrency in political fundraising is still largely unexplored or restricted due to regulatory uncertainties.The limited number of successful examples highlights that the integration of DeFi into political fundraising is still in its infancy. Many challenges remain, including regulatory compliance, technological barriers, and public understanding of these new financial tools. As the technology matures and regulations evolve, we may see more examples emerge in the future, potentially including applications in other countries. However, any implementation would need to carefully consider local laws, cultural contexts, and potential risks associated with these new financial technologies.