You have questions to think about. 👀🤐

1. What is the Egyptian pyramid doing on the US dollar bill?

2. Why did 56 countries sign a treaty to not enter Antarctica?

3. Why do planes never fly over Antarctica?

4. How did NASA "lose" the footage of the moon landing, one of the most important moments for humanity?

5. If Neil Armstrong was the first to set foot on the moon, who was holding the camera?

6. Why haven't we gone back to the moon?

7. If monkeys evolved into humans, why are monkeys still monkeys?

8. How does "junk" DNA, which makes up 95%, exist? Who decided this was really "nonsense"?

9. How did people living in log cabins, riding horse-drawn carriages, and possessing no machines or lasers create giant, symmetrical, detailed, sacred, and geometrically sound structures like cathedrals and parliamentary buildings?

10. How is pre-Luvian architecture found identically all over the world?

11. Why do some Ancient Egyptian artworks seem to depict "spaceships"?

12. Why are there remains and images of giant humans? And why do many ancient texts from distant cultures, including the Bible, mention giants?

13. Why are there mushroom images in ancient Christian art?

14. Why does my father dress like giant Amanita Muscaria mushrooms?

15. Why are pine trees depicted in ancient Egyptian artworks, and is it a coincidence that the pineal gland resembles a pine tree?

16. Why are dragon depictions found all over the world and in different cultures thousands of years apart, and mentioned in the Bible as well?

17. Why is there so much satanic symbolism in the music and entertainment industry?

18. Why do most video games revolve around killing?

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