Moving Averages (MA):

The yellow line (MA7) is at 0.015029.

The pink line (MA25) is at 0.017660.


The MACD line (yellow) is at -0.000774.

The signal line (pink) is at 0.001538.

The histogram is negative, indicating bearish momentum.


The volume shows a significant spike recently, suggesting increased trading activity.

Price Levels:

24h High: 0.016425.

24h Low: 0.015125.

Based on the current indicators:

The price is trading below both MA7 and MA25, suggesting a bearish trend.

The MACD is also negative, supporting the bearish sentiment.

However, increased volume could indicate potential volatility and a possible reversal if buying interest increases.

Short-term Prediction:

Given the bearish signals from the moving averages and MACD, the price might continue to trend downwards in the short term. However, if the volume continues to increase and the price crosses above the MA7, it could signal a potential reversal.

For a more precise prediction, consider monitoring live data and additional technical indicators.