The Solana Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the Solana blockchain, has unveiled two groundbreaking tools designed to make blockchain transactions more accessible and user-friendly. Announced on Tuesday, these innovations are set to revolutionize how users interact with blockchain technology, potentially paving the way for broader adoption.

Solana Actions and Blinks: Enhancing User Interaction

The new tools, Solana Actions and blockchain links (blinks), aim to integrate blockchain functionality seamlessly into everyday digital experiences. This marks a significant step in simplifying on-chain transactions for both developers and end-users.

Solana Actions allow users to execute on-chain transactions across a variety of platforms, including websites, social media, and even physical QR codes. This flexibility means that developers can embed Solana’s ecosystem functionalities directly into their applications, making it easier for users to engage with blockchain technology without needing specialized knowledge or tools.

Solana Blinks take this a step further by transforming any Solana Action into a shareable link. These blinks enable any website capable of displaying a URL to initiate a Solana transaction, effectively turning everyday digital spaces into portals for blockchain interactions. This feature eliminates the need for redirection to external sites or applications, streamlining the process of engaging with blockchain services.

Bridging the Gap Between Blockchain and Mainstream Digital Use

In a press release shared with Benzinga, Jon Wong, Head of Ecosystem Engineering at the Solana Foundation, emphasized the transformative potential of these tools. “Actions and blinks on Solana allow any website and application on the internet to be a distribution point for on-chain interactions,” Wong stated. This capability could significantly lower the barriers to blockchain entry, encouraging more widespread use.

Chris Osborn, Founder of Dialect, a company involved in the Solana ecosystem, highlighted the versatility of these new tools. “From your X feed, you can buy an NFT, tip a creator, receive money, vote, stake, swap, and so much more,” Osborn explained. This versatility underscores the broad range of applications these tools could support, from financial transactions to digital content interactions.

Opening Doors for Developers and Businesses

The Solana Foundation has made these tools immediately available, providing detailed documentation and support to assist businesses and developers in integrating these capabilities into their offerings. This initiative is part of Solana's broader effort to reduce the isolation of blockchain protocols, which have traditionally been confined to specialized decentralized applications (dApps) and wallet-aware tools.

By enabling blockchain interactions through familiar digital interfaces, Solana is making it easier for new users to explore and engage with blockchain technology. This approach aligns with the growing trend towards mainstream adoption of blockchain and digital assets.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Blockchain and Digital Assets

As the blockchain sector continues to evolve rapidly, innovations like Solana Actions and blinks are expected to play a crucial role in shaping the future landscape. Stakeholders and enthusiasts are likely to explore these advancements further at Benzinga’s Future of Digital Assets event on November 19, where discussions will focus on mainstream blockchain adoption and the next wave of technological innovation.


With the launch of Solana Actions and blinks, the Solana Foundation is taking significant strides toward making blockchain technology more accessible and integrated into everyday digital experiences. These tools not only simplify on-chain transactions but also have the potential to drive broader adoption of blockchain, bridging the gap between complex decentralized protocols and mainstream digital use.