Simon’s Cat (CAT) Overview 🐱
Simon’s Cat, a beloved animated series by Simon Tofield, features a hilarious, mischievous cat. Since 2008, it has gained 1.6B+ YouTube views and 25M+ social media followers. In 2024, the brand entered Web3 with the CAT token, merging its humor with blockchain tech.
CAT, launched on BNB Chain and Solana, has a total supply of 8.1T tokens, with 6.75T circulating. To simplify trading, Binance introduced 1000CAT, where 1 token equals 1,000 CAT tokens.
The project emphasizes accessibility 🌍, community engagement 🤝, and charity 🐾 for animal welfare. CAT also rewards fans via Binance’s HODLer Airdrop program.
Simon’s Cat extends beyond crypto with games 🎮, books 📚, and merchandise 🛍️. By blending Web2 and Web3, the CAT project brings fresh experiences to fans while staying true to its playful spirit.